mercredi 18 avril 2012

Tossin’ It Out There: What Movie Reminds YOU of Your “Younger Days”?

So, for whatever reason, this month has been chock full of teen party movies. Beginning with “Project X”, then “21 Jump Street” and finally “American Reunion” (which, although not revolving around teens, does have a teen party, and then a “party like we were teens” party). All three served to remind me of my younger days of keg cups and debauchery.
Now that’s not everyone’s experience, but it did get me thinking. Everyone’s got a movie or two that makes them think of when they were younger. Could be a movie like “Stand by Me”, which was an MTESS just a couple of weeks ago. On that post, several people said that it reminded them of their youth, and or their experiences walking around out in the woods when they were young.
Maybe it’s an entire movie, or just a scene, or perhaps a character. It could be a movie from when you were younger, or a current movie that hits close to home. At some point in time though, it’s a safe bet you’ve watched a movie and thought to yourself… I remember those days…
For me, it’s certainly the teen party movies. My friends and I practically thought Jeff Spicoli was a guru. But there are others as well, including snippets here and there.
Maybe it’s something with your family? Or a vacation you took. Obviously school movies come into play. But everyone has a couple.
What are yours?! :D

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